How to improve your writing skills

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In the age of the Internet, everyone writes. If two centuries ago only a select few possessed writing skills, now the vast majority of people possess them at a more or less decent level. Writing skills in our time should be possessed by everyone, not just those who want to create their own stories and books. Therefore, the tips in the article will help both.

How to improve your writing skills

First of all, remember: simplicity is the most important thing in any written message. It doesn't matter how intellectually smart you are, it's just important that people understand you. True mastery is having extensive knowledge and expressing this knowledge through simple, understandable words and expressions.

With these tips, you can enrich your skills when communicating digitally and when writing articles, reviews and books.

Use strong words

Good writing is imbued with unpredictability and unpredictability. The most powerful part of speech is action. Thanks to the powerful word, a simple sentence gets a very strong emotional charge and affects the person reading it.

However, the word strong does not always mean florid or complex. Write “uses” instead of “exploit” if you feel the first word expresses your idea more clearly and understandably.

Analysis of literary texts. Write down any words or phrases you come across that have a strong aftertaste, and use them as often as you can. There is nothing wrong with this. Also look for your phrases: take a dictionary, find a noun, then substitute any adjective under it and try to understand whether it has meaning and emotional charge.

Read a lot

The movie flows on its own, whether you're aware of what's happening on screen or not. On the other hand, the book requires the brain to be active from beginning to end. When you put conscious effort into your reading comprehension, you become able to reflect, which is a great way to practice your writing skills.

This may seem obvious to some, but it's not unreasonable to repeat - you can't learn to express yourself well on paper without reading hundreds of books. Read a variety of books. Of course, you can't read all the books, but try not to limit yourself to fiction; There are many wonderful non-fiction, scientific and philosophical books.

Your writing skills and knowledge automatically increase when you read a lot of books.

Rewrite books

It's hard to explain scientifically, but when you rewrite a book by your favorite writer by hand, you are more attuned to the text and its style. You don't have to copy an entire book, but the feeling of being guided by your hand is very unusual. In addition, rewriting helps you pay attention to the little things that were not noticeable in simple reading. You start thinking about each phrase, feeling the meaning and subtext of each word, which is important because you can improve your writing skills by understanding which word is most appropriate in a given situation.

If you really want to improve your writing skills, writing your favorite books will help you with that. Because these books pulled you in, it means that something inside resonates with the rhythm, they have a certain truth and honesty that you need to develop.

Start a diary

Not only is a journal a great tool for self-reflection, it can also be a rough draft for honing your writing skills. If you want to write a book, but are afraid to start, start with a memoir, and practice there.

Not only can you write in a diary, but you can also make sketches, draw visual graphs, and create tables. You can write in it why you are afraid to start creating a novel, make a list of all your fears about it. Once you get rid of all fears, they are no longer deep and invisible.

Before going to bed, you can describe all the things that happened to you during the day in a diary. When doing this, pay attention to each sentence and try to figure out which word and phrase fits best. An excellent exercise is also to think of metaphors: a metaphor for your day, your event, an occasion.

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Start a blog

It's similar to a journal, but in this case, you learn to edit yourself and be more critical of what you write about. A blog is very useful to understand what people are interested in. They may only comment on one phrase in an entire post, and you will learn how to catch the reader's attention.

You will finally realize that what you are writing is about you, but it is about others. It doesn't matter what you put into your words, what matters is how people perceive them. Nobody cares about your idea, no matter how great it may be if few people understand it. And it doesn't matter if it's a whole work or a single line. You will learn to perceive your finished work (article, story, publication) as a whole, you will understand where to direct the reader's feelings and what feelings it should cause.

You can experiment. For example, write a post that evokes the reaction you expect and see if it does. It's a great exercise and very educational.

Choose a topic

Of course in the case of a diary, it can just be automatic writing, but if you don't want to turn your whole life into a structure, you need boundaries.

When you choose a topic, you direct your focus to one topic and try to find a lot of interesting things about it. It's like creativity: looking at an apple and describing it in 50 pages. This creative task is not for everyone, but that is what you should strive for.

Beautiful parameters in any type of creativity. So after you've chosen a topic, you can set yourself another challenge - not a single word in your story should be longer than ten characters. This simple method will make you approach what you write more consciously.

Automatic writing

To improve your writing skills, you have to write a lot. Preferably by hand. Automatic writing is like brainstorming ideas.

Set yourself a task to sit at your desk and write about anything for an hour. You can move from one topic to another, changing your writing style and speed. Just don't stop for a minute, write for an hour. Not only do you get rid of the fear of writing this way, but you also learn to find topics in seconds. After a week of this practice, you will see that even aimless writing helps you improve your skills and makes you pay attention to the words you write.

Top tip: Write by hand

Typing on a computer is a limited experience. When you write by hand, you are free to cross out, underline, highlight, and rearrange phrases. Many scientists also agree that hand motor skills activate parts of the brain that are not exploited when writing.

Good luck improving your writing skills!