Writing Dissertation Chapter One Introduction

PhD Dissertation Writing Services

In the world of academia, writing a dissertation is a monumental task. It's a journey that demands dedication, meticulous research, and a clear structure. One of the critical chapters that set the stage for your entire dissertation is Chapter One: Introduction. This chapter plays a pivotal role in presenting your research topic, justifying its significance, and outlining the structure of the entire document. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the art of crafting a compelling and engaging Dissertation Chapter One Introduction that will captivate your readers and pave the way for your academic success.

Writing Dissertation Chapter One Introduction

The Purpose of Chapter One

Defining the Research Problem

Your first step in writing Chapter One is to define the research problem. Clearly state the topic you are addressing, including its scope and boundaries. This section provides your readers with a context for the rest of the dissertation writing services.

Justifying the Research

In this section, you should explain why your research is important. What gap in the existing literature does it fill? What contributions will it make to your field of study? Convincingly argue the significance of your research.

Providing the Research Framework

Chapter One is also the place to introduce the theoretical framework and methodologies you will employ in your dissertation. Explain the approach you will take and why it's the most suitable for your research.

The Structure of Chapter One

The Opening Hook

Start your introduction with a compelling hook that grabs your reader's attention. This can be a shocking statistic, an intriguing question, or a thought-provoking quote. Engage your readers right from the beginning.

Background and Context

After the hook, provide background information related to your research topic. Discuss the historical context, previous studies, and key concepts that lay the foundation for your research proposal help.

Research Objectives and Hypotheses

Clearly state your research objectives and hypotheses. What are you trying to achieve with your study, and what are your expectations?

Significance of the Study

Reiterate why your research is significant and what impact it can have on your field. Highlight the gap in the literature and how your study bridges it.

Writing Dissertation Chapter One Introduction

Writing Style and Tone

To ensure your Chapter One is engaging and captivating, write in a conversational style. Use an informal tone, personal pronouns, and active voice. Keep your language simple and easy to understand. Engage your readers by using rhetorical questions and incorporating analogies and metaphors.


In conclusion, Chapter One of your dissertation serves as the gateway to your entire research journey. It's the chapter where you set the stage, introduce your topic, and make a compelling case for the significance of your research. Engage your readers from the very beginning, provide a solid background, and clearly define your research objectives. In doing so, you will not only captivate your audience but also set the tone for the rest of your dissertation.


1. How long should Chapter One be in a dissertation?

The length of Chapter One varies but typically ranges from 10% to 20% of the total word count of your dissertation. It should be long enough to introduce your topic thoroughly but not overly detailed.

2. Can I use personal anecdotes in Chapter One?

It's best to avoid personal anecdotes in academic writing. Chapter One should focus on the research problem, background, and context rather than personal experiences.

3. Should I include citations in Chapter One?

While it's not common to include citations in the introduction, you can refer to key studies or concepts without extensive citation. Save the detailed referencing for the literature review section.

4. What if my research problem is not entirely unique?

Even if your research problem is not entirely unique, your approach, methods, or perspective can still be unique. Highlight the aspects that set your research apart from existing studies.

5. Can I change Chapter One after the dissertation is complete?

It's possible to make minor revisions to Chapter One after completing your dissertation, but major changes can affect the coherence of your work. It's best to finalize this chapter before moving forward with the rest of your research.