What are the Types of Intelligence?

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Multiple Intelligences 

There are many theories about the mental makeup of humans, as these theories explained scientists’ vision of the mental makeup, and the most important methods of measuring and evaluating human intelligence, as Gardner, the psychologist, confirmed that there is no such thing as one intelligence, but rather that humans have multiple intelligences, and that all people have seven. Types of intelligences, the degree of which varies from one person to another. He mentioned the importance of the theory based on multiple intelligences, and explained that intelligence that is measured in the traditional way only specifies a specific field, while intelligence that is measured according to the perspective of multiple intelligences views intelligence as a biological psychological ability. This theory, Gardner’s theory of intelligence, describes seven different types of competence in each individual, and it can be increased if there is motivation and encouragement. Abdul Wahed Al-Faqihi said that the types of intelligence may reach twenty-five types, and this indicates great human potential and huge capabilities.

What are the Types of Intelligence?

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Definition of the theory of multiple intelligences

 A cognitive model that shows how a person can use his multiple intelligences to solve problems in different ways, and focuses on the processes that the human mind performs in the process of dealing with the content of the situation until it reaches the desired solution.

Types of intelligence

Intelligence is present in all ordinary people. There is no smart person and a stupid person as many people believe. Rather, there are smart people in one field and specialization, and others who are smart in many other fields. It is very natural to find people who possess multiple types and types of intelligence, but it is It is rare for there to be a normal person who does not possess at least one type of intelligence. [3] The types of intelligence, as divided by William Krams, are eight:

Kinesthetic or physical intelligence

 People with kinesthetic intelligence tend to use their bodies a lot, and they move a lot. For example, they do building and construction work. The sports they prefer to practice are motor sports, such as football, dancing, or any other activity that requires a person to physically move. The way this group learns is through... During the work they do with their hands, they prefer this method to learning by reading or listening, as they have motor memory. They remember events and information that their bodies performed in a certain position at the same time as the action to be remembered.

Linguistic intelligence

 People with this intelligence have a good appreciation of words, their meanings, and synonyms, and they tend to learn many languages; Because it is easy for them, and because of the strength of their verbal memory, which helps them remember words and their meanings with ease. The methods of learning that they prefer are through words, whether audible or written, and the activities they tend toward include attending lectures and discussions, reading books, and telling stories to others.

Logical or mathematical intelligence

 People with this type of intelligence prefer values ​​and abstract concepts. They like to return everything to its origin, in understanding and analyzing matters. They use logic to find out the causes of phenomena, and their thinking and speech are based on numbers and specific ratios. As for the work they prefer to be in, it is engineering or... Programming, and working as scientists in various fields.

What are the Types of Intelligence?

Natural intelligence

 Its companions were attributed to nature; Because they love nature, and prefer to be in it and watch animals. Because they tend to communicate and interact with everyone in nature and animals, and they seek to understand the truth of the connections between natural phenomena, and to understand the truth of the interconnection of nature itself with each other.

Personal or individual intelligence

 People with personal intelligence have the ability to understand themselves well, understand their feelings, and can easily categorize them whenever they feel them. Therefore, they are people who have defined the goals they want well, and have also identified their personal motives behind their actions. They analyze their personal behavior, and these people like to work alone. They focus highly on performing the work and tasks they undertake, and therefore they hate interruptions while performing their work, and they strive for perfection and idealism.

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Spatial intelligence

 People of this type have a great mental capacity for imagination and visualization in matters related to images and structures. They are proficient in drawing, and they scrutinize the most important details of artistic paintings. They appreciate pictures and other works of art. As for the works that they tend toward and that serve their intelligence ( spatial intelligence ), they are work. As photographers, or architects; In order to be creative in this field, or to work in design, or drawing, all of these jobs are linked to the worker’s ability to imagine regarding images, places, and spaces.

Musical intelligence

 People with musical intelligence are people with a high sense of music and songs. They love playing musical instruments and have the ability to distinguish sounds with great ease. The jobs they tend to work in are as composers and musicians, or as singers or musicians.

Foundations and principles of multiple intelligences 

There are some things that an individual should know and remember due to their importance, which are:

  •  Every person possesses all seven intelligences, and this means that the theory of multiple intelligence in a person is a theory that shows his cognitive functional performance, and therefore it does not specify the intelligence that suits each person, but rather shows that each individual has certain abilities in the seven intelligences, and these seven intelligences do their job. In distinct ways for each person, and perhaps some people have very high functional performance in all or most of the seven intelligences, while there are other people whose level of functional performance is very low, and therefore their appropriate place is institutions for the developmentally disabled, in other words, they have A deficiency in all different aspects of intelligence, and most people remain whose position is between these two levels of intelligence; The highest level is the most intelligent and developed, and the lowest level is intelligent; Some of their intelligences are developed, some are developing, and the rest have relatively low development.
  •  Most people are able to develop their intelligence to a good level of proficiency, although some people may believe that there are deficiencies in certain aspects of their intelligence, so they sit and lament their luck over that, and consider this to be one of the biggest problems in their lives, and that it is impossible. Treatment of such a problem; However, specialists in this field, such as Gardner, believe that a person has the ability to increase the level of his seven intelligences and develop them to a high level of competence and performance if he is provided with enrichment, appropriate encouragement, and optimal culture and education .
  •  The mechanism of action of multiple intelligences is in complex ways. They work together as each intelligence interacts with the other. Because there is no single intelligence in itself in life except in special cases, such as people who suffer from brain damage. As for normal people, the interaction of the seven intelligences with each other seems clear in many matters of their lives. Whoever wants to cook a meal must read the recipe from... A book, and this is linguistic intelligence, and he may divide the ingredients into two halves, and here he used logical-mathematical intelligence, and he may choose multiple colors of food that suit the tastes of all family members, and in this way he used social intelligence, and took into account in his cooking the food that it suit the individuals’ appetites and inclinations, and this is personal intelligence. It is noted that whoever prepared a simple meal used many types of intelligences to prepare this meal, as the intelligences interact with each other to work together in a complex manner.
  •  A person can be intelligent in every category and in many ways; Because there are no laws that indicate the characteristics that must be present in a person in order for him to be considered intelligent in a certain field. He may be a person who is unable to read, for example, and yet you find him characterized by high linguistic ability that enables him to tell an interesting story, or he is not proficient in any of the different types of play and its various activities. However, you find that he possesses physical and motor intelligence that enables him to weave a carpet or make a highly precise decoration. The theory of multiple intelligences allows people to show their talents and intelligences in various ways.